Wow.. it is hard to believe that I will be 34 WEEKS pregnant this week... only 47 days until my due date! I am not counting down or anything. I am trying to enjoy these last weeks before Luke arrives. Noah seems very excited at the moment but I am not sure he really understands how things will soon change. I believe that he will do great and enjoy being a big brother. I guess the thing that is bothering me this time around is that I am not organized or ready for this baby. With Noah his room was ready and things washed and put away. Luke does not even have a room at this point which does not matter since he will be in our room for the first month or so. I keep putting things off and thinking that I have plenty of time... hopefully Luke does not try to come too early!
The basement is coming along .... Brian had a week off for spring break and manage to get a lot of work done. He only has 3 more weeks of school left and then will graduate on May 9th! He is very excited to be done with school and looks forward to finding a new job for the fall. We both look forward to the weeks to come... warmer weather (hopefully for good soon), graduation, a new addition to our family, and family vacation to the beach.