Monday, February 16, 2009

Aunt George, Baby Matt and Noah

Noah enjoying the Merry go Round at the Zoo.... on one of our few warm days!

Noah and Nate at the Circus!

It has been a while since our last post.... I am really going to try and update more! ( I know I have said it before) Between the ice/snow storm and illness our house has been all but normal these days. We spent a week with Brian's parents while we were without electricity... we sure were thankful for having a warm palce to go. Noah loved every minute of it.. he thought we had moved in!! By the end of the week we were ready to get back home and get things back to normal.
Brian is student teaching at Kenwood Elementary for the first part of his last semester. He really loves it and loves working with the children. It is hard to believe that he will be finished with school in only a few months! The second part of his semester will be at a middle school.... we will see which he likes better?!Noah is currently fighting a respiratory infection and it sure has wiped him out. We are hoping he makes a turn for the better ... SOON!
Time sure is flying by... I can hardly believe that we have a new addition to our family in 3 months!! Where has time gone? My doctor appt. went well last week and I am waiting on the results of my 1 hour glucose test! I am hoping that I passed this time around... the 3 hr test is NO FUN! I now will be going for a checkup every THREE weeks. When she said she would see me in 3 weeks I guess it made me realize that this pregnancy is moving right along! I think with this pregnancy Noah has kept me busy and I really have not had much time to prepare or really think about how our lives will soon change! We can hardly wait but also have lots to do to prepare.... Brian is starting on finishing in our basement which is going to be a large chore!