Thursday, February 28, 2008

Meal Time!

Noah FINALLY ate some good food! Meal time at the Aulick house has been pretty frustrating lately. Noah has only wanted to eat Cheerios, Goldfish, pudding, and applesauce. Tonight I finally got smart and put away all of Noah's favorite foods so he was not able to see them, we said a prayer and then I gave him a Gerber Graduate meal. He sat there for 10 minutes playing with his spoon but not throwing food as he normally does! Finally with a little coaching he began to eat and actually feed HIMSELF! I was so excited I was screaming and clapping which Noah thought was funny and began to eat even more. We will see what tomorrow brings :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Noah's first "little" black eye! I am sure that we will have more of these :)

Noah enjoys reading a bedtime story with his daddy!

We continue to be amazed how fast Noah is growing up. He has been such a blessing to our lives. He sure has developed his own little personality. He continues to be adjusting well to his one day of school. He still cries when he is dropped off but last week he walked right in and began to play :) Every week he seems to be an improvement compared to the last. Noah's favorite things: watching Cars or Finding Nemo, playing at Grandma and Grandpa's, Sunday lunch at Sue Sue and Pop's, Bath time, Play time with Daddy, Napping with Mommy, and Playing with his cousins :) Notice eating is not on his list of favorites. He continues to be a picky eater.... he could live off mashed potatoes just like his mommy!
I hope everyone is having a great week!